
What a pretty bicycle she said...

Hello! I just wanted to share with you that I’m learning to ride a bike! Since next year I will be living in Europe for a year I need to learn. So here are some pics of my boyfriend trying to teach me. Now my legs are full of bruises… but this Sunday I will go again and see how it goes…

Hope that all of you have a great weekend!!


War is over... if you want to

Good afternoon! I know I’ve been absent from the blogosphere for more than I can remember, but if you could only see the condition of my stupid and beautiful city you would understand, apparently we are officially at war. I truly believe that we’re somebody’s joke, I mean first the hurricane, then this, I mean yeah this violence and shootings everywhere have been on and off for the last 4 years but during this year it’s been crazy! I mean there been over a 100 deaths of innocents, meaning no soldiers, no drug dealers, just regular people (Just in my city not all of Mexico). Can you imagine? I actually almost got killed a week ago while I was going home after a bachelorette party, I almost drove myself into a shooting, and I had never ever seen that much chaos. And well that’s why I haven’t been here that much. But not everything has been bad news…

On the last weekend of July I went to a pretty cool concert which was to collect food, clothes and supplies for the people who lost everything in the hurricane, my favorite band played. It was awesome Jumbo is my favorite band since 1999 that means since they released their first album, the best thing is that they are from my city so I went to see them and the other 20 bands that played that night, it was awesome!

This is me with the lead guitarist; I’m in love with him since I was 10…

And when I say they live here I mean you can find them on the street, I actually saw the guitarist walking on the street like 2 weeks ago! And he actually knows my name, and I’m beginning to think that I stalk him unconsciously or something.

And in other news in 38 days I will leave of this God’s forsaken land for a 9 days holiday to Orlando, Florida! And I’m super excited about it!

And well that’s what I’ve been up to! Promise to read all my favorite blogs to catch up with what you guys have been doing!

Send you a big big kiss!

